Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Speech 2

Hi y'all! I know February is a very special month for all of us but fam and I get to be busier than usual. Aside from the Valentines' Day, 'twas mom and dad's bday; and though there isn't any leap day this year, Chuchay will be celebrating her 5th year. Oh, it's "our" 16th year, too.. Despite all that, I was able to deliver my second speech for the Toastmasters basic manual. It was titled D.E. Mode. Read on, so you'll know what D.E. means...
“Students who take online classes actually perform better than those who actually GO to class.”
Good evening, fellow Toastmasters and guest.  
I know that statement could cause slight violent reactions but it is a fact. A research was done in US from 1996 to 2008 where it was found that online study tends to be better than the conventional mode of learning.
I have an engineering degree but I chose not to take the licensure exam. I was more interested in having a higher degree and taking certification courses that will add to my knowledge and skills. It took me a while to enlist because I was looking for an educational program that will not sacrifice my time with family and work; something that will not bother me leaving the house but at the same time will provide me competitive qualifications which I found in the DE mode. DE means distance education.
Learning or studying online provides an avenue for people, having certain limitations, to continue their studies. It is in one way or another similar or different from the traditional classroom setting. It has benefits and challenges that you may want to know in case you’re considering of going back to school.
What benefits does online learning have?
Accessibility. Since distance education providers will be geographically separated from the students, its accessibility allows people to work and study at the same time. Study sessions depend on the preferred time and convenient location of the students. Exams could be conducted online or in selected testing centers.  Where ever you are in the world, as long as you have an internet connection, the school will always be available online.

Interactivity. Class lectures and discussions were delivered through the web using emails, chat rooms, forums and other online sources. Course requirements were comprehensive and extensive so you use Google and moodle most of the time. Moodle is the online study portal. The Internet has infinite means makes learning interactive. Youtube, twitter, facebook, blogs and online journals will be the consultants of the students. 
Flexibility. Online learning is so flexible that people earn degrees without discrimination. Assessment will be based on the performance. Age, color and race are not an issue. I have had classmates who could pass as my grandfather. One of them was the same age as my mom. One is blind, and one is a Libyan national. There’s so much you can do with technology that allows you to overcome physical limitations. Distance education is concerned with achieving the learning objectives.
Now, what are the challenges? 
First is time management. We always say that there’s so much to do but there’s so little time. In online learning, time management is rule number one because everything from A-Z will be time-consuming. Balance it between family, work, friends and social life. Surely, office work will get in the way from time to time. Your social life may perhaps migrate from face-to-face to virtual. This schooling scheme is a good training for us when it comes to managing time.
Second is resources. There are times that the resources provided by the school are not enough to achieve the objectives especially if you want to come up with an impressive project. The internet is so huge but finding and getting the right material is not easy and sometimes, costly. You have to be very resourceful.
Third, the most challenging of all challenges, is the attitude; your personal attitude towards schooling. You will meet and make friends with “procrastination” and “cramming” as eventually learn to delay things up to the last minute. A positive outlook matched with dedication, perseverance and hard work will reap you the degree you’re aiming for. You just have to have the right attitude.

Today, there are hundreds of distance education providers. Some are offering short courses, higher degrees, certificates, name it and they will have it. Some are low-cost; others are expensive. You may want to or not register for an online course but what matters most is that we continuously find ways to learn and enhance our knowledge. As Anthony D’Angelo mellifluously said, “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” 

Now, did that make you think twice of taking the D.E. mode?


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