Wednesday, March 6, 2013



T.T. stands for Table Topics.

I always think of the Table Topics session as the Miss Universe’s Q&A portion. It is much-awaited. Heart-pounding. Mind-provoking. And meme-ific. It is indeed challenging to come up with an articulate answer in a short span of time. It puts Toastmasters on trial to think quickly, accurately and intelligently. Miss Universe contenders must have a really comprehensive and first-rate training on impromptu speaking.

Last night, I was privileged to be the Table Topics Master. It was my first (and waiting for the next) time. I honestly didn’t know what to do and was quite nervous as there is only a week to prepare. I consulted fellow Toastmasters who were very much accommodating to provide tips and encouragement. My aim was only to make the session happy and gay. I prepared five questions but since we only had one speaker for the prepared speech session, we added more to consume the time.

The theme of the meeting was “Make It Happen” so I had to pattern the questions with having only choices, specifically two, and expounded that we could only make things happen if we practice our freewill and make a choice. I also had to put some little numbered cardboards at the back of the seats so they won’t have to shy away from volunteering.

Let’s see if you could come up with something for these questions.

If you will be given a chance to let you change your fate, would you want to be a hot and sexy wolf like Jacob Black or a forever-young vampire like Edward Cullen? Why?

Who would you like to be and who do you want to live with for the rest of your life - Snow White with the seven naughty dwarves or Beauty with the mean beast? Why?

If you will be given wealth, would you like to have a desert with unlimited source of oil or an island with abundant natural resources (e.g. crops, livestock, soil minerals)?

If you will be reincarnated, would you choose to be a stray dog or a stray cat? Why?

You’re broke and you sold all your personal belongings, properties and almost all the furniture in your house; but if you could have only one thing that will be left, what would it be: the toilet bowl or the stove? Why?

If you could possess something that has a supernatural ability, what would it be: Harry Potter’s invisible cloak or Thor’s hammer? Why?

If you will be given a role in the movie “The Other Woman”, who would you want to be: The Wife/Husband or the Other Woman/Man? Why?

If you will be transformed to an inanimate object, what would you rather be: an alphabet or a number? Why?

If you were a glass, what would you be: half-full or half-empty? Why?

If you will be a Spokesperson, whose side would you want to defend: Tito Sotto for his plagiarism or Cynthia Villar for her belittling statements. Why?
As I wished, hoped and prayed for and though there were only few of us who attended, the Table Topics session was a success. Everyone enjoyed the tickling and tricky questions; plus I got a bonus of being the best segment host for the evening. I must say I had a very good time last night.

Thank you, fellow Toastmasters, and I can’t wait for the next T.T!

Happy stimulating!

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