Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Simple Principles to Raise a Successful Child

"Parenting doesn't come with an instruction manual." I'd like to quote the author of this statement but I can't remember where I read it from. And I have to agree. There's just no flowchart....

But then, I found this book of Alex A. Lluch...

I bought it from Jarir Bookstore about two months ago. At first I was skeptical in buying the book but the summary at the back cover convinced me. 

I have just finished reading it and I'm giving it an A+! I'm highly recommending it especially for those parents who are not fond of reading. This reference book does not have many texts to read. It's straightforward and it goes with principles - numbered and bolded - which makes it easy to go back to from time to time.

It tackles a lot of areas in parenting e.g. communication, discipline, motivation, spirituality, and etc. I enjoyed it a lot and took me awhile to finish it because I had to keep reading again and pondering on our parenting style. 

Here are some of my favorites among the 200 Simple Principles...

#3 Play with and tickle your children often.
#8 Learn the power of hugs. Hug your children frequently.
#14 Teach your children the meaning of the word "nonnegotiable."
#21 When you have to say "no," but can't come up with a good reason, simply say, "I cannot let you do that because I love you."
#26 Whenever there is a conflict between you and your children, ask them what they would do if they were the parent.
#51 Concentrate on the positive.
#56 When you are angry, stop to think about what you're going to say before you say it.
#60 Remember, children do not develop positive or negative behaviors unless we reinforce one or the other.
#77 Teach your children the benefits of exercise.
#108 Encourage reading.
#118 Teach children the value of money, saving and investing.
#152 Give your children purpose in life and they will flourish beyond your expectations.
#161 Teach your children that faith is crucial in dealing with life's challenges.
#164 Teach your children that the glass is half full, not half empty.
#174 Don't give the message to your children that rules are made to be kept by children but broken by parents.
#191 You only get one chance at parenting a child. Give it your best shot!

Parenting doesn't come with an instruction manual. I can't say this book supersedes that statement. I'm not a perfect parent either. But this is just SAR 19. I hope you, guys, could grab a copy. SAR 19 is nothing compared to what you could save... Who knows, someone may be missing a lot... 

So, grab one... READ and LIVE IT...

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